
adxthya's space

Me, Myself and I

- Hi, I am Adithya.

- I am a full stack web developer and I watch a lot of movies and read books.

- Next thing about me is that I use Linux. Currently I'm using NixOS and I love science and math. Although I say I love these, I wouldn't claim to be very good at them, but there's always room to learn.

- On the programming side, I am a full stack web developer. So I'm pretty good with html,css and stuff. I'm also good at NextJs, React, Tailwindcss. I also code in Python and C (mostly for academic stuff).

- I like to draw. I mainly just recreate pictures from pinterest. Check out the arts page.

My skills - A quick overview

FrontEnd - HTML, CSS, React, TailwindCSS

Backend - FireBase, Express, Flask, NextJS, Next-Auth

Database - MongoDB, SQL

Dev - Git, Github, Docker

OS - Linux, Windows

Much more to learn..

Contacts - Chat?

Discord - adxthyax

Gmail - adithyakb93@gmail.com

Signal - adxthya.57


minddump - just thoughts

dextify - a discord bot

ai-sees - bot built using watsonx.ai

Achievements - few things I'm proud of

Watched a lot of movies

GDG Chapter Tech Lead

One among top 100 global teams in IBM TechXchange hackathon

Interests - what I love(or hate?)

Movies - Pretty sure u guessed this one already.

Linux - I started my linux journey with Linux Mint. Now I am coding in a functional language (nix) to setup up my config.

CyberSecurity - Something I'm interested in but never motivated to pursue.

Books - Books may well be the only true magic.
Read these:
- Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harai
- Homo Deus - Yuval Noah Harari
- We have no idea - Daniel and Jorge
- Want more? Just connect with me. I got more :)

To keep this site minimal, No additional frameworks or javascript.
Just CSS and HTML

This site uses the catppuccin color palette

copyright @ adxthya 2024